FinnPRIO-Explorer facilitates examination of assessments made with the FinnPRIO model (Heikkila et al. 2016) . It was developed in the Risk Assessment Unit of the Finnish Food Authority, and it contains all the FinnPRIO assessments done for Finland.
FinnPRIO is a model for ranking non-native plant pests based on the risk that they pose to plant health (Heikkila et al. 2016) . It is composed of five sections: likelihood of entry, likelihood of establishment and spread, magnitude of impacts, preventability, and controllability. The score describing the likelihood of invasion is a product of entry and establishment scores. The score describing the manageability of invasion is the minimum of prevantability and controllability scores.
FinnPRIO consists of multiple-choice questions with different answer options yielding a different number of points. For each question, the most likely answer option and the plausible minimum and maximum options are selected based on the available scientific evidence. The selected answer options are used to define a PERT probability distribution and the total section scores are obtained with Monte Carlo simulation. The resulting probability distributions of the section scores describe the uncertainty of the assessment.
In FinnPRIO-Explorer, summary statistics (median and 5th and 95th percentiles) of the score distributions can be explored in the tab 'Plot pests on a graph' while ranking that is based on the whole probability distributions can be studied in the tab 'Rank pests'.
The FinnPRIO assessments included in the app were done using the FinnPRIO graphical user interface (Marinova-Todorova et al. 2019) .
The probability distributions of the scores were simulated with 5000 iterations. The lambda parameter of the PERT distributions was set to 1, implying a low confidence of the most likely estimate. Equal weight was given to economic (50%) and environmental and social impacts (50%). The likelihood of entry is assessed taking into account the current management measures.
To facilitate comparison of the FinnPRIO score distributions, a hypervolume (HV) approach was used to aggregate distributions into a simple single-dimensional form that reveals the preference order relationship of the distributions (for details, see Yemshanov et al. 2012, 2017; for practical examples, see Tuomola et al. 2018; Marinova-Todorova et al. 2020 ).
Ranking with the pairwise stochastic dominance rule and the HV indicator calculations were performed using a stand-alone program written in C++ that applies the hypervolume calculation algorithm from While et al. (2012) . The program was kindly provided by Denys Yemshanov from Natural Resources Canada. The cumulative distribution functions were calculated from the score distributions at 70 equal intervals and ordered using the first-order stochastic dominance rule.
Heikkila J, Tuomola J, Pouta E & Hannunen S (2016) FinnPRIO: a model for ranking invasive plant pests based on risk. Biological Invasions 18, 1827- 1842.
Marinova-Todorova M, Bjorklund N, Boberg J, Flo D, Tuomola J, Wendell M & Hannunen S (2020), Screening potential pests of Nordic coniferous forests associated with trade in ornamental plants. EPPO Bulletin 50: 249- 267.
Marinova-Todorova M, Tuomola J, Heikkila J & Hannunen S. (2019) A graphical user interface for the FinnPRIO model: A model for ranking plant pests based on risk (Version 1.0). Finnish Food Authority.
Tuomola J, Yemshanov D, Huitu H & Hannunen S (2018) Mapping risks of pest invasions based on the spatio-temporal distribution of hosts. Management of Biological Invasions 9, 115- 126.
While L, Bradstreet L & Barone L (2012) A fast way of calculating exact hypervolumes. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 16, 86- 95. doi: 10.1109/TEVC.2010.2077298
Yemshanov D, Koch FH, Bo L, Fournier R, Cook G & Turgeon JJ (2017) A new hypervolume approach for assessing environmental risks. Journal of Environmental Management 193, 188- 200.
Yemshanov D, Koch FH, Lyons B, Ducey M & Koehler K (2012) A dominance-based approach to map risks of ecological invasions in the presence of severe uncertainty. Diversity and Distributions 18, 33- 46.
Marinova-Todorova M, Tuomola J and Hannunen S (2022) FinnPRIO-Explorer - A tool for examining assessments made with the FinnPRIO model. Finnish Food Authority, Helsinki, Finland. Available at ,